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IWM Duxford Museum


Imperial War Museum Duxford has two Phantoms in its collection, an F-4J Ex-US Navy and a F-4M (FGR-2) Ex RAF.

Both served with the RAF during their flying careers. The F-4J is painted in the marking of VF-74 'Be-Devilers' and the F-4M (FGR-2) is painted in the markings of 74 Sqn.

Duxford 16th July 2003.

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F-4J VF-74 USN

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F-4M/FGR2 74 Sqn RAF

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Duxford Flying Legends Air Show - 11th July 2004.

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VE Day Air Show Duxford - 7th May 2005.

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Last Updated 12-12-2012 (c) 27-02-2012

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